Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Estp Personality Type - 637 Words
ESTP Personality Type What makes an ESTP tick? The Dominant function is the perceptive one of Sensing. Characteristics associated with this function include: †¢ Likes looking at information in terms of facts and details †¢ Focuses more on the here and now rather than possibilities for the future †¢ Feels comfortable in areas of proven experience †¢ Takes a realistic approach The perceptive Sensing function is extraverted. That is, Sensing is used primarily to govern the outer world of actions and spoken words. The ESTP will therefore: †¢ Seek to experience and enjoy the world as it is †¢ Be very responsive to current events, with life tending to be a succession of events †¢ Be pragmatic in nature,†¦show more content†¦For example, in a crisis, the ESTP might: †¢ use impulsive energy to overcome whateverShow MoreRelatedWorkplace720 Words  | 3 PagesWorkplace Memo University of Phoenix MGT 521 Managing by personality type can allow for the achievement challenging goals. 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